If you see only one crazy example of what art and craft can be this week, let it be Bernard Pras. Bernard specializes in anamorphic portraits–basically what you get when you mix 3d street art and collage, they are huge installations that reveal themselves as portraits only when you stand in the right spot. The example above is a portrait of Mali actor Sotigui Kouyaté, built from a variety of materials, including old clothing, driftwood, and film reel tins. This video gives an in-depth look at the making of this artwork and especially highlights the amazing scale of the project. You can see more about it on Enpundit’s feature, or check out Bernard Pras’s other works on his site.
Thank you for sharing this, his ‘vision’ is amazing; makes you wonder where he ever got an idea like this, just amazing what can be created from ‘a bunch of stuff’. Definitely an inspiration.