What is a Suitcase Rummage you ask? It is a mini-market where you only need to bring a suitcase or two of items to sell.
You can be a part of the Rummage experience by selling wares, or come along to buy some real beauties! There will be brilliant vintage, artwork, bric-a-brac, clothing, books, jewellery, seconds, hand-made, shoes, records, music, badges, cards, handmade paper… You name it!
Come for a bargain, a swap, or an old-fashioned haggle. Suitcase Rummage is not to be missed!
If you just want to attend the Rummage as a potential buyer, there is no need for a ticket. It is free entry!
If you would like to be a part of the Rummage experience as a seller, please register for a stall by following the link below.
Suitcase Rummage
2019 Dates
Brisbane Sept 15th
Canberra Sept 29th
Melbourne Oct 12th
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