Do you feel like you have a boring craft fair booth display? Don’t worry, there’s still hope! Although this post by Vicki O’Dell on the Creative Income blog is a few years old, it is still completely relevant and gives some pointers on how to liven up your craft fair display.
One of my favorite tips Vicki mentions is to sell a few kits. Do you ever hear someone say the dreaded “I could make that” while looking over your products? Why not make it easy for them and make money by selling a few kits as well as your finished product.
Get more tips here: Is Your Stale Craft Booth Display Costing Your Handmade Business?
Etsy is our preferred online seller for handmade items and crafts, Etsy is a familiar shopfront that makes buyers comfortable and confident in making purchases. Looking for other options to sell your crafts than Etsy? Check out this article – Alternative places to sell your crafts online .
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i think kits are the big thing this year!