For almost a year now, I’ve been featuring Etsy Shops and the people behind them. But Etsy is so much more than just a place to sell. While there have been some worries and complaints lately over the rule changes, there have also been some signs of Etsy using their position for something greater. They’ve undertaken a special project in Rockford, IL, helping reclaim a city with crippling unemployment by pairing with the community to teach high school students, college students, and adult education students how to start their own businesses and grow as entreprenuers. The first program Etsy has rolled out like this, but CEO of Etsy, Chad Dickerson says if its a success, then the program could be rolled out in other cities across the country. You can read more in the Yahoo! Finance interview here.
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Mastering Product Photography: Tips for Stunning Etsy Listings
Hey there, fellow Etsy sellers! As creators and artisans, we pour our hearts into crafting beautiful products. But how do we capture that beauty in our Etsy listings and entice potential customers? Great photos can be the difference to making … Read More ...
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