I’m in love with all the creations of Nerine Scott. She makes dresses and skirts and sells them at Salamanca Market (I wish I could go!) in Hobart, Tasmania.
Here is what she says about her sewing “The fabrics I love to work with are mostly pre loved upholstery fabrics, table clothes, curtains, tea towels, bed linens and some Japanese prints also, usually cottons but sometimes I will explore other fibres”
It looks like she has a series of hand embroidered skirts as well. They look fantastic! you can check out her blog here: http://nerines.blogspot.com/. She does monthly giveaways!
That’s so cool! Thanks heaps for your very generous review. I was so excited last night when I stumbled upon your blog through google. My computer was playing up and it was the only way I could gain access to my blogspot. Anyways I thought I should also let you know I’m drawing the prize winner on wednesday 17/feb/10, it’s a skirt! The winner can select one of their choice (if I haven’t the fabric in stock any longer I’m sure we can work something out).
Thanks very much again….nerine x