I have a lot of books, although in the past 5 years or so I have reduced the amount by at least 50%. Sad! But I was moving often and often into small apartments and if you’ve ever moved yourself with about 30,000 boxes of books you know how annoying/impossible/depressing it is. My problem these days is finding a place for my books that looks nice ad not all messy and horrible. Bookshelves really can look awful, RE: these are nice shelves but they look awful and messy.
I yearn for the perfect bookshelves.
A couple of years ago Adobe Bookshop in SF let artist Chris Cobb arrange their 20,000 books by color for a piece he called There’s Nothing Wrong in the Whole Wide World. It was amazing! My friend Barak Yedidia took some lovely photographs of it.
When I first moved in to my current place my husband and I had plans to put up shelves along our 20ft high front wall and were going to install a rolling library ladder but somehow we never did…
I love these honeycomb Opus Incertum book shelves designed by Sean Yoo. Someday I will own one.
There are a lot of lovely, useful and crafty solutions for dealing with books. Look at this bookcase staircase over at Web Urbanist!
And then there is this round bookcase showcased over at dornob. I love it!
Proof! you can have a lot of books and display them nicely. I would be interested to hear about other peoples bookcase triumphs and disasters!
I also blog at Thank You For Not Being Perky and on BlogHer.
I love the last pictured bookshelf! I’m so confused though, about where one might actually be able to get it? I looked at the Dornob web site but it’s my first time to that site, and I couldn’t find the needed information.
I love my book collection and would love to display it in such a creative way!
The honeycomb is doing it for me! How beautiful!
i think that some of the desighns displayed on your site are really cool and have helped me get better inspiration for my final desighnin wood work