Okay, Now I’m obsessed with crafts from video games. My brain is flashing back to my commador 64 and the bloop bloop bloop of space invaders and pong.
16Bit has some ear flap knit hats with the space invaders guys on there. This red one is my fav.
The Girl Gamer has some cute space invaders key chains in her etsy shop PixelatedCreations.
There’s the space invaders quilt that CraftGossip reported on recently.
And Pardalote’s etsy shop is crammed with awesome beaded Space Invaders beaded jewelry. That space invaders necklace is teh awesome!
I have to admit that sometime in teh early 90’s I was also hit with a space invaders nostalgia and I have a t-shirt from that time with Space Invaders all over it. I think I am inspired to go cut it up and make it into a baby blanket (CPSIA be damned!).
I know there are a ton of other space invaders crafts out there. Add them to the comments!
Thanks for showcasing my gamer gear on your blog, I’m so glad you liked it! 🙂 Gogo! Get crafting!
so freakin awesome!!!
i am making a duct tape purse with space invaders on it and have made pac-man things too.
yet again, AWESOME!!
i am so glad that there are brilliant people like them that think of those things….