What are your favorite online social networking tools for your crafty business or for finding crafts?
I think the craft selling sites themselves count as social networking sites but aside from them twitter is the one that comes to my mind. What is Twitter? And why should I care?
Twitter is a social networking site that lets you update people and be updated in real time with 140 characters. Recently there was an explosion of crafters on twitter. They are using it to promote their shops and connect with other crafters.
Last night I tweeted that I was looking for felt food for sale and immediately I got some replies.
The Cupcakery Girl sent me a link to the adorable felt donuts in her shop, Swstle sent me a link ot this cute felt pizza in the Small Grapes shop, and one other reply where the link is pending.
Start by following your friends, fellow crafters (like me!) or entities like Craft Magazine or Etsy.
Another social networking site on ning called We Love Etsy, a site to connects sellers with other sellers and buyers and allows them to intereact in a whole different way than Etsy. For instance you can comment and create a dialog with other sellers and I find that very helpful! I haven’t fully explored this site yet, does anyone have a profile on it? Let me know!
Etsy is our preferred online seller for handmade items and crafts, Etsy is a familiar shopfront that makes buyers comfortable and confident in making purchases. Looking for other options to sell your crafts than Etsy? Check out this article – Alternative places to sell your crafts online .
Do you have a blog or website? Find a sponsor for your website. Get paid for your great content via shareasale.com.
I have a similar website with the same concept of We Love Etsy. I am implementing a user point system so members can win a chance to be featured on the site. I also give tips on marketing your store. Members are can post and share their photos of crafts in the gallery for more exposure. Craft Recipe members can create blogs and add their twitter on the site as well! There are too many features to go over.. you just have to see it. The site is http://www.craftrecipes.org