The Sampler is an innovative marketing & promotional tool for indie businesses. Each month, independent crafters, artists, shops, zines and record labels, send samples and promotional materials to a contribution pool. All the samples are photographed, posted to the site and then portioned out, put in packages and sent off to Sampler Subscribers, Sampler Contributors and members of the Media all over the world! If you own or work for an indie business, consider contributing to the Sampler. Contributors can find information here. Don’t own a business? That’s ok! For $26 a month you get a delightful package of 15 plus samples sent to your door! Find more subscription information here. They even have a bustling blog community so you can preview what goodies await you! Go Sampler!
[…] Mini Crochet PatternsThe Urban KnitKitchen Kitsch PatternsRibbon TotesCraftbits.comMasking Tape With Stickiness U- HandbagSubscribe to The Sampler and support indie community…..Indie Craft Gossip Give Away!Indie Crafts […]
[…] March Give Away: A grab bag of goodies from my past Samplers! Below is an example of some of the goodies you can get when you subscribe to the Sampler program. You will get a mini version with some awesome handmade goods from indie crafters and artists all over the world! You can find out more about The Sampler if you visit this past post. Ok, comment away for your chance to snag some handmade and indie swag! […]
The Sampler is great! I was a contributor several times and I always had fun receiving my mail out.
I love the Sampler! It’s a great way to promo your handmade stuff and it’s also cool to get something fun in the mail. I love Sampler! 🙂