Okay! Who’s excited about the upcoming I Heart Art Craft Party? I’m still feeling somewhat overwhelmed by Maker Faire. I haven’t even sorted all the various flyers and business cards I picked up.
What is a craft party anyway?!
WHAT? Craft Party is Etsy’s annual worldwide shindig in celebration of all things crafty and creative. This year, Craft Party in our neck of the woods is going to be an awesome SF Etsy event and also the kick-off for I Heart Art: San Francisco! We’ll have craft workshops with Go-Go Craft! Refreshments! BYOK or C (that’s Bring Your Own Knitting or Crochet) for a stitch & bitch circle! And MORE!
So. Fun, that’s what.
Go check out more info here:
I Heart Art: San Francisco: Craft Party — The I Heart Art: SF Official Kickoff — Coming Soon!.
Hi, in Spain we also want to join the party and some cities have organized.
Here you put the link of which I organized in Alicante if anyone is interested.
so awesome! if only we could video link all the etsy parties in like, a big wall of tv monitors. 😛