Have you heard about Goodsmiths? An online marketplace for crafters and artists, Goodsmiths is a direct competitor to Etsy and growing by the minute. Because they’re still a fairly new (they launched last April) there’s a chance to get in on the ground floor and really work with them. Plenty of new features are in the works or launching soon and the Goodsmiths team is open to ideas for new features. The site is clean and easy to navigate for selling or buying. Browsing through the listings is fabulous! The categories are logical and it’s easy to find things. There’s even a “Geekery” category to browse through if you’re looking for something fun and geeky. And I love that the page loads more listings automatically.
So why should you give Goodsmiths a shot? I asked Goodsmiths Community Builder, Riane Menardi and she had this to say:
The link in this article to Goodsmiths does not work. Thanks!
None of the links are working. Can you give us the website address? Thanks.
Thanks for letting me know. The issue should be fixed now.
I tried to create an account on goodsmith’s, but their site keeps saying that my paypal account is no good– despite my using it daily for years!
So I cannot set up shop. And there is no clear way to contact them to report issues like this. So I’m out unless they fix their support issues.
I have an etsy shop and wanted to branch put. I set up a goodsmiths shop and so far the etsy shop is out doing the goodsmiths on about 60 to 0. Maybe I should have taken their offer to improve my shop. Same listings, descriptions and pictures but apparently I need to find the jet to e goodsmiths puzzle….I won’t be buying the key though.
Late to the party here but I sell on Goodsmiths. It’s struggling against the giants Etsy and ebay but the listing platform is easy to use and the search categories are clear. Wish more sellers would join us there. Thanks for mentioning this.