I just had to look up the word giveaway, I was thinking it was not a word but some weird new internet word but it seems to be in the Merrium-Webster Dictionary. So, okay!
I have this lovely Amy Butler Velma Bags Pattern to give away! Who’s excited? Amy Butler has some great patterns and this bag is very cute and comes with shoulder and handbag patterns.
To enter this contest leave a comment on this post. If you have sewn something from an Amy Butler pattern before you could leave a comment about that. The contest ends Friday the 22nd of January 2010. I will pick a winner with a random number generator! Good luck!
love, love, LOVE amy butler!
love this bag! would love to make it.
I have seen loads of projects using A B fabric and I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to make anything yucky from here fabric.
And see, here is another example: a pretty bag!
Well done.
I have used Amy’s stash and dash bag pattern and loved it – the bags came out really cute and I thought the pattern was detailed and easy to follow, even with the zipper!
What a great giveaway! I would love to win!
I’d love to sew an Amy Butler pattern! I haven’t yet had the pleasure, but I did receive the Little Stitches book for Christmas, and have all sorts of sewing plans (once I get my mojo back after all my crazy Christmas sewing).
so cute!
What a cute bag pattern!
Love Amy Butler patterns and fabric!
I LOVE Amy Butler and the bag is uber-cute! I’d love it!
Are you kidding me? I LOVE Amy Butler! I have one of her apron patterns that I absolutely treasure. Thanks!
I LOVE AMY BUTLER. She has the most beautiful fabrics. I have used her website for inspiration & used the free patterns on her website as well! My mom is also hooked on her now thanks to moi!
I’ve never sewn something from an Amy Butler pattern but would certainly like to! 🙂
Great giveaway, thanks!
Great bag, I’d love to win the pattern!
Wow – these are stunning – great pattern and beautiful fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win! Am going to go and check out the patterns now!
I have been wanting to try an Amy Butler pattern, as I have heard so much about them. It would be great to win this.
Gorgeous bags! I would love to win this pattern 🙂
ohh pick me, pick me!!
I made the Barcelona skirt a few months ago. Fun and easy pattern that really got me back into sewing!
I have a couple of yards of her fabric…just missing the pattern 😉
I’ve only made one of her free patterns, the “card keeper.” I love the size of this bag!
I’ve used a wonderful skirt pattern in the past. I love her designs…thanks for the chance! 🙂
Love love love Amy Bulter’s stuff. I have a few things in the works, yoga bag but turning it into a aquadoodle tote for my 2 1/2 yr old so she can take it with her when we visit my sister and brother-in-law….gotta love the aquadoodle, a good quiet toy for her active imagination.
I love all her purses, they are all so lovely!
I made Amy Butler’s large Betty Shopper a few years ago: link text It’s a great pattern but I think next time I’ll make the smaller one as the large one is very unwieldy and can’t be used in a crowded place without bumping into other people!
Love Amy Butler! Thank you for sponsoring this wonderful giveaway
Santa gave me a brand new sewing machine this year, and I need an awesome project to get me back into sewing. ‘-)
I have never sewn an Amy Butler pattern, but I have used her fabric many times. She does very great quality stuff.
I adore Amy Butler! Her patterns are easy to follow & extremely functional. Helped me learn to sew with several of her bag patterns.
Also her fabric is amazing! Beautiful.
I’ve seen her patterns so many times … I’d love to give one a try. It’s an adorable pattern. thanks
Love love love these. Like the person above, I have an apron pattern and material that I adore..thanks for a great giveaway!
OMG! I love these!!! I want one! The patterns are awesome and unique plus the design is as well.
I love her patterns and this one is so cute. I have a bag pattern on the machine right now.
Just the other day I sewed my first ever Amy butler Pattern, The Gum Drop Pillows and love it. Are her bag patterns just as easy to follow?
I have not sewn any Amy Butler patterns – yet… but I would love to give this bag a try since it is just B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter and ‘possibly’ win.
Toss my name in the hat. What a nice giveaway. I haven’t made any of her patterns yet.
I have made Amy’s frenchie bag… love it, can’t wait to try another one of her patterns
I made her yoga tote and kimono baby pjs. Really cute. Would love to try the purse. Thanks.
I really like Amy Butler fabric designs and love this purse design.
Love that bag!I love her fabrics too. I made the yoga mat bag from her patterns.
I’m making her Clutch Purse with Antique Pin Closure now. Would love another.
I made the birdie sling bag for my sister as a diaper bag. All her things are so cute!
I love your bags. A store in my area has started to carry to carry your patterns so I need to get one soon.
Your free patterns are awesome too.
Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
<3 Amy Butler! Her fabric is gorgeous!
Amy Butler is awsome would love to make this bag
I am a new sewer and would really love to make this cute bag
Amy Butler’s patterns and fabrics are beautiful and fun all at the same time! Thanks for the giveaway!
Very cute. I would love to try it.