I know many of our Indie Craft Gossipers out there have an Etsy account. If you haven’t already discovered it, you can participate in the Etsy Forums and read their Blog called The Storque. This is a very important aspect of being an Etsy seller or buyer as they take your feedback and put it into action when there is enough interest.
One way that I keep up with Etsy news is through the E-mail service they offer. They have topics broken up into individual newsletters called News, Finds, Teams, Success, and Etsy Labs. I find it to be a great solution since I don’t always have time to surf the entire site. I can read the newsletters for the latest changes and trends.
Another great resource is the Unofficial Etsy News blog. This blog is run by Etsy sellers for Etsy sellers and buyers. It is not affiliated with Etsy but I have found it to be great source for up to date information and summaries of forum threads about controversial topics in the Etsy forums such as fraud, shop policies and copyright issues.
Do you know of any other Etsy Forums or Blogs? Let us know by leaving a comment or e-mail me at indiecrafts AT craftgossip DOT com.
I’m a big Etsy-lover, too! And I’m a member of a couple of Etsy “street teams”–vendors who group in some way. There are street teams for knitters, for people who sell baby items, for people who make jewelry, for people who live in a particular geographic area. There is even a street team for Etsians who blog! Many of these street teams have their own blogs where they publish news about their specialty. For example, check out the blog for AREtsy, the Arkansas Etsy street team: http://aretsy.blogspot.com/.