Greetings Indie Craft Gossip Readers!
First off, THANK YOU for the incredible response to the February Indie Craft Gossip Giveaway! We have a great many entries so far, but could always use more! đŸ™‚ I am happy to report that I have made the trek to Southern California (sitting in my air conditioned hotel room right now!) and will be attending the CHA Winter Convention in Anaheim, CA. CHA is the Craft & Hobby Association and the Winter Convention is one of the largest events of the year bringing together craft businesses. This is a great experience for smaller indie businesses to connect with larger corporations, meet new suppliers, learn some new skills and network with other professional crafters! I will be reporting back with a review of some exhibitors, products and the general happenings at the convention…so stay tuned! Now off to dine in the warm Southern California evening heat. Find out more about CHA Here.
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